The webinar will be led by Dr Yohann Loriot, a renowned Medical Oncologist at the Gustave Roussy Cancer Institute, France. As a key investigator of the phase III THOR study, Dr Loriot will share his first-hand knowledge and take you through the most recent findings.3,4 He will be joined by Dr Tamer ElNahas, an eminent Oncology Consultant and Professor at Cairo University, Egypt. Dr ElNahas will share his real-world insights and hands-on experience with one of the first patients in Egypt treated with BALVERSA®.

You will have the opportunity to not only listen to our speakers’ recent findings, experiences and insights, but also actively participate in the discussion and ask questions along the way.

THE TURNING POINT webinar agenda

18:00-18:05 Welcome and introductions

Background on the arrival of precision medicine in oncology patient care, treatment with BALVERSA®, and the phase II study results1,2,5,6

Presentation of the recent phase III THOR study findings by Dr Loriot3,4

Real-world case discussion by Dr ElNahas, involving a LA/mUC patient treated with BALVERSA®
18:55-19:00 Concluding remarks and future implications

▼BALVERSA® is subject to additional monitoring. This will allow quick identification of new safety information. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions. Reporting forms and information can be found here.

LA: Locally advanced; mUC: metastatic urothelial carcinoma.

Please click here to see the full BALVERSA® SmPC.
CP-411809 November 2023